Jones Island - June 21, 2002

  This voyage is rated 5 mainsails out of 5 on the Voyage Mainsail-o-meter.

Ruth was down in San Diego turning into a Grandma, so Jack invited us to join him for a voyage to Jones Island, a Washington State Park just off the Southwest tip of Orcas Island.  How could we say no?

Sue involved in some serious sail trimming action - but who's driving?

Here's Jack heeled over at about 50 degrees.  We're not sure what the boat was doing.

Getting settled in for the night.

A pretty good sunset.

Our view while eating breakfast - the sparkling waters of Jones Island.

The amazing new GPS navigation system.

Sometimes we let Jack stand up in the front so he can feel important -- and it is his boat, after all.

Late in the second day boredom seemed to set in.

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