Jimmy Buffett -- September 16 and 18, 2003

This whole deal, sordid as it might have been, is nonetheless rated 5 Hula dancers out of 5 on the Hula-Dancer-o-meter.

Yikes - twice in one week!!!  How much can we stand???  And, as Sue was heard to ask non-rhetorically more than once, "Why???".

Phins up, Parrotheads...



First, September 16 at the White River Amphitheater in Auburn, WA.  A CD of this concert is available.


Then, a breathless 2 days later, September 18 at the Clark County Fairgrounds Amphitheater just north of Vancouver, WA.

This lady was wearing a "5:00 o'clock somewhere" clock in honor of Jimmy's recent duet with Alan Jackson.

She was lamenting the fact that the security folks wouldn't let her in with her bamboo stick - they were afraid that she would use it as some sort of weapon.  She was returning to her car to relieve herself of the offending article.

This guy was a sight to behold.

We particularly liked the Hula Skirt on the bed of the pickup truck, not to mention the big phin.

These folks had a Zoomer just like ours, except it was all done up real proper for the Jimmy Buffett 2003 Tiki Time Tour.  It gave us some interior design ideas for next year.

Sue got a good sample of some of Jimmy's Margaritaville Shrimp.

A bit of the Tropics on a cloudy day in the Northwest.

Note the loud shirt on the monkey.

The "Baby On Board" sign actually said "Parrothead On Board".

This image is actually pinched from the "Here We Are" video, but this guy may as well have been here.

One of the more tastefully attired concert-goers.

And this lady actually wore her Shark-head Hat not only in the parking lot beforehand, but actually for the whole duration of the concert, receiving not a small number of favorable comments re the quality of her headgear.

Phins Up, Parrotheads...

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